Monday, July 7, 2008

Getting Rid Of Belly Fat: How I Got Rid of My Fat Belly and How You Can Too!

People get inspired from others’ success. If this is true, then I am sure that this article will inspire many people who are struggling to lose weight. My article will tell you about how I lost 30 pounds of weight without the help of any of the fad diets or expensive gadgets that continue to hound you. This article would also tell you that weight loss is easy, NOT hard!

So what prompted me to lose weight? Usually, people want to lose weight after being taunted by friends and colleagues about their fat bellies. Well, no one taunted me openly, but I am sure very few people had any respect for me and the reason was nothing else than obesity. Bit I decided to lose weight after I read in a health magazine that obesity can result in serious health complications; in fact, obesity is a serious health hazard. So I decided to save myself from the clutches of future health problems by losing weight.

But guess what? Everytime I promised myself to lose weight, it was only a matter of time before I broke my promise and got back to my old habits. Then one day I decided that enough was enough, and I seriously need to do something about it!

I thought that pride and respect is very important for me. If I don’t get adequate respect from others, I would get hurt. Since I was proud of my other achievements I decided to use my pride as my weight loss tool. What I did was write a letter which said that ‘I promise to lose weight within xxx timeframe’. I distributed copies of the letter to everyone: my colleagues, my boss, my family, girlfriend, etc.

Now there is no way to quit my weight loss program because if I do, I would lose others’ respect for me, and that would be the worst thing to happen. On the other hand, if I lose weight successfully, they would respect me a lot more! So, that became my primary motivation to lose weight.

You see, most people fail to lose weight because they are not motivated enough. If you motivate yourself with a selfish desire, it is only a matter of time before you will be able to shed all those extra pounds successfully.

So, to conclude the story, here is how I lost weight:

1. I worked out regularly in the gym for at least half an hour. Sometimes I would even workout for an hour. There were no ‘breaks’ for me: I had to workout everyday!

2. I eliminated all junk and fatty foods from my meals and survived only on half the amount of food I used to eat!

3. I used a few herbal weight loss supplements to accelerate the weight loss process.

You see, I neither used fad diets, nor expensive weight loss gadgets, and yet, I lost weight successfully! If I can lose weight using natural means why can’t you? This was a secret to loosing belly fat.