Sunday, June 8, 2008

Jump Start Your Weight Loss - Get Started With the Right Diet Pill

By Scott Fuhremann

You have made the commitment to lose weight and are determined to succeed. Where do you start? Well there are many ways to get started with a weight loss plan, but the very first thing you MUST do is control your appetite. Without this, you will have a difficult, if not impossible task in front of you.

There are several types of diet pills, but the class of supplements you should start with are appetite suppressants. This is the path you need to start on. This type of diet pill will curb your hunger, and while you still may be eating the things that you should not be, you will be reducing the quantity of calories you eat overall.

A couple of things about appetite suppressants:

First, you should start slowly. Consume only one half of the recommended dose for 3 days. You will be able to tell how your body reacts to the product you have chosen. In some cases, taking the full dose right from the start, especially if you have never taken them before, could cause a queasy feeling since they are usually taken on an empty stomach.

Second, do not take them later than mid-afternoon. Some of the products contain caffeine, and can cause sleeplessness if taken too late in the day. Usually 6 to 8 hours is enough time for the body to 'burn' the caffeine from your system and not hinder sleep.

Lastly, consume extra water. The normal recommended amount for general health is eight 8oz glasses per day. This should be a minimum. This will keep you hydrated, and have a positive function on the effectiveness of the appetite suppressant you have chosen.

Diet pills are not a long term solution to weight loss, but using them for a short time initially can do wonders to kick start your weight loss program and build the confidence that you need in order to achieve your weight loss goals. Once you are on the path and progress is coming, there are many small things you can do to keep the weight coming off. Some examples are to change your diet a bit, exercise, drink even more water, consume more fiber, and eat more clean protein are just a few to get you started. As always, if you have any concerns, consult a physician.

Get started right away on losing weight and finding out about more options, visit