Sunday, November 2, 2008

How To Lose Fat And Gain Muscle

The pace of life is getting faster for most of us. This is one of the reasons why fast food restaurants are popping up like mushrooms wherever you go. It’s easy to opt for quicker food stops since no one really has time to cook and fix healthy meals. It may be a quick fix, but done everyday, all the bad stuff in fast food is going to creep up on you and manifest in health problems such as obesity, hypertension, and heart ailments.

In addition, stress levels get so high that many people think that exercising only constitutes additional stress. So they skimp on working out and going to the gym.

I can’t say I blame them - it’s a little known fact that exercise actually helps decrease stress levels and increase resistance to burnouts and sickness. And with a proper health and fitness regimen woven into the daily grind, it’s possible to lose fat and gain muscle while getting things done at work at the same time.

The thing to remember is that diet or exercise won’t work on their own. Remember that there are two sides to a coin.

Improving your diet is important, as obesity is on the rise around the world. If you compare your daily intake with the new food guide pyramid, chances are you’ll find you’re taking in too much sugar and meat, and too little fruit, vegetables, milk and grains. Once you start making gradual adjustments towards a more balanced diet, you will find that you will begin to feel better and more energetic.

Exercise is also very important, since diets are only good for a few pounds. Cardiovascular exercises, such as jogging, biking, swimming, and ball sports, cause the metabolism to run faster and burn more calories. The increased intake of oxygen also improves circulation and maximizes fat burn.

Aside from cardiovascular exercises, flexibility exercises may also be worth a try. Practices such as Tai Chi, Yoga, and the Pilates method are all great flexibility exercises, and have been found to be great stress relievers, as well.

Once you’ve gotten into the habit of doing regular cardiovascular and flexibility exercises, then it’s time to start some strength training. Weight lifting is the best way for muscle growth, and gym instructors can help suggest specific exercises to help you gain muscle in specific parts of your body. It’s important to go the extra mile in your exercises, since working out without putting effort in won’t help much in muscle growth.

When starting out on a new health regimen, another important thing to have is discipline. Some individuals start dieting in exercising with a mean streak that tapers off after a while, and ultimately return to the same sedentary lifestyle they used to have. Visualize yourself enjoying the rest of your life with the best of health, and have fun while working towards that goal.

Cliff Baker is the owner of, a no hype site aimed at educating people to the proper ways to lose weight and how to keep it off without wrecking your metabolism, without fad diets, without drugs and without expensive supplements. Sign up for our free mini-course and newsletter Here