Thursday, October 2, 2008

Weight Loss Pill For Women-lose Weight Without Side Effects

Being overweight is a problem that has plagued the entire globe and there are millions of products including diets, exercise programs and pills and supplements that claim to help you lose weight naturally and safely without any adverse side effects at all. weight loss for women needs special attention to help them lose fat from the female fat zones.

Before naming the best weight loss pill for women, I would like to say that there is no magic cure for weight loss and anything that promises drastic weight loss is bound to have some very dangerous side effects. For instance, the latest on the weight loss circles is the Size Zero Pill which is being increasingly used by some women to lose weight and acquire that gaunt and undernourished look. As a matter of fact, Size Zero Pill is the nickname of the chemical Clenbuterol which is an approved FDA drug for horses. The human usage of this pill, though results in rapid weight loss and a highly suppressed appetite, can lead to cardiovascular disorders and strokes, anxiety attacks and can prove fatal.

Any weight loss attempt has a two fold approach. First and foremost, you need to limit your fat intake and secondly you need to burn fat already deposited in your body. Though you can limit fat intake through diet control and pills, exercise is required for burning excess fat deposited in your body.

As far as women are concerned following are a few steps that can help you lose weight naturally:

1. Walking on a slight incline: Try walking up a hill or adjust your treadmill to a mere 15 degrees incline and walk for about 20 minutes a day. You will be surprised to see fat melt away from those female zones and this comes form someone who has an experience of 15 years in the fitness industry.

2. Try extra virgin coconut oil: A single tablespoon twice a day can do wonders for your weight loss. You can easily lose around 5-6 pounds in 2 weeks. Though weight loss slows down after 2 weeks, it is still there. Moreover, you will be amazed to see the difference in your weight, hair and skin. It is nothing but pure magic!

Apart form the above simple tricks, one weight loss pill that is perfect for women is the Proactol. It is purely organic and does not have any side effects. What makes it different from other pills is that it is not a fat burner but a fat binding pill. It binds up to 28% dietary fat to itself which is then not absorbed by your body, thus limiting your fat intake. This unabsorbed fat is then passed out naturally.

Whether you want to get slim or want to lose weight or want to get back in shape after your pregnancy, it is the safest and the most natural way to lose weight.

By: Matt Penn