Saturday, September 13, 2008

Moderate Exercise Is Not Enough To Lose Weight – One Hour Per Day Recommended – Weekly Regimen of 275 Minutes Needed

(Best Syndication News) A new study says that a 30-minute per day exercise regimen is not enough to lose weight and keep it off. Besides a low calorie diet, researchers now say that 55 minutes per day is needed to “enhance” long-term weight loss. To a sustain weight loss of 10 percent over two years you may need to exercise 55 minutes five days a week (see the videos below).
Starvation used to be the health problem around the world, but now more adults are dieing from obesity related disease than starvation. “Among obese adults, long-term weight loss and prevention of weight regain have been less than desired,” the researchers affirm. More needs to be done, according to the report published in the July 28 issue of Archives of Internal Medicine, one of the JAMA/Archives journals.
The study involved 201 overweight and obese women enrolled in a weight loss program between 1999 and 2003. All of the women were told to eat between 1,200 and 1,500 calories per day. For comparison, a Whopper is 670 calories and an order of large fries is 450 calories. If you add a slice of cheese (about 100 calories) and a large Coke (255 calories) you have made your daily allotment in one meal.
Each woman was followed for two years and in the first 6 months all of them lost on average 8 to 10 percent of their initial body weight. Although most of the women were unable to “sustain” their weight loss, after two years their average weight was still 5 percent lower than their initial weight.
The participants who were able to keep the weight off (24.6 percent of them) reported more physical activity. These women burned an average of 1,835 calories per week by working out for 275 minutes per week. That works out to 55 minutes per day, 5-days per week.
Previously the recommendation was 150 minutes per week (30 minutes five days a week). “This clarifies the amount of physical activity that should be targeted for achieving and sustaining this magnitude of weight loss, but also demonstrates the difficulty of sustaining this level of physical activity,” the new report states.
See what others are saying and join the discussion at our Forum
By Marsha Quinn

Friday, September 12, 2008

Weight loss: Men have the edge


As a dietitian in private practice, I often listen to frustrated female clients complain their husbands are able to lose weight effortlessly, while they have to pay attention to every nibble in order to see the scale budge.
Why is it that a woman only has to look at a decadent dessert to feel the pounds creeping on, while all a man has to do is cut back on portions – or hit the gym a few times a week – to watch the pounds fall off?
Do men really lose more weight and lose it faster than women?
The answer is yes, guys do have an easier time shedding pounds (I'm sorry, ladies). Men, it seems, have both a physiological and psychological edge when it comes to losing weight.
For starters, men are genetically hardwired to shed weight faster than women. Men are more prone to build muscle, thanks to higher levels of the hormone testosterone. Because men have more muscle mass, they also have a higher resting metabolism. Muscle burns more calories than fat, so the more muscle you have in relation to body fat, the higher your resting metabolism.
(Resting metabolism is the amount of energy required to keep your heart beating, your lungs breathing, your brain and liver functioning and your cells alive at complete rest.)
Women, on the other hand, are predisposed to store fat because they have high levels of estrogen, the hormone that helps keep fat on a woman's body, making it easier to get pregnant. Research has shown that a woman burns 5 to 10 per cent fewer calories for the body's metabolic needs than a man of the same height and weight.
More muscle mass also means men burn more calories when working out and respond more quickly to the slimming effects of exercise. A study of 962 men and women enrolled in a two-year weight loss program found that exercise alone was enough to help men lose weight. In women, however, even substantial increases in exercise weren't enough to produce weight loss if they didn't reduce their calorie intake.
The fact that a man burns more calories at rest and during physical activity makes it easier for him to eat more without gaining weight and to lose weight faster than a woman of a similar size. And because women diet more often than men, they're also more likely to slow down their metabolism. Drastically cutting calories burns muscle and triggers hormonal changes that slow calorie burning and promote fat storage. Weight loss slows and when the diet is abandoned, the pounds pile back on.
But men shouldn't get overly confident about their biological calorie-burning advantage. Age slows down metabolism in both sexes at a rate of 1 to 2 per cent a decade, making it harder to maintain a healthy weight. This translates into a need for women to consume seven fewer calories a day for each year after the age of 30, and 10 calories a day for men.
It may not sound like much but it can make a difference to your weight – especially if you're still eating the way you did in your 20s. For example, a 65-year-old male needs to consume 350 fewer calories than he did at the age of 30, pretty much the number of calories many folks eat for breakfast.
Men are also genetically programmed to gain weight near the abdominal area, whereas women's extra weight tends to settle in the hips and thighs. Research suggests belly fat is more sensitive to enzymes that break down fat than fat located in the hips and thighs. While abdominal fat may be easier to lose, it's also the type that's linked to a greater risk of diabetes and heart attack.
Even so, a male approach to losing weight may also lead to better results. Men are more likely to include regular exercise, which appears to do more than increase one's calorie deficit. One study found that men who exercised and dieted had more self-restraint and experienced less hunger compared with men who followed a diet-only program. Women in the study didn't experience the psychological benefits of exercise.
Gender differences in preferred comfort foods may also play a role in weight loss success. Research shows that men find comfort in foods associated with meals prepared by their mothers such as meat and potatoes. Women, however, crave foods that don't involve preparation such as breads, prepackaged sweets and chocolate – foods that are quite accessible and easy to overeat.
Women, more so than men, overeat comfort foods as a means of coping with stress and emotions such as depression, anxiety, anger and boredom.
Studies also show that men are more confident than women in their ability to achieve their weight loss goal. Believing in one's ability to make change is a key factor in committing to goals and, ultimately, success.
Men are also less likely than women to be plagued with body image issues. Men have a greater tendency to see their weight as normal, despite being overweight, whereas women are more likely to see themselves as heavy even though they have a healthy body mass index. A 2007 study from Ryerson University in Toronto revealed that 25 per cent of women considered themselves overweight when at an acceptable weight, compared with 8 per cent of men.
Women often set out to lose weight in the hopes of improving appearance, while men are more likely to be concerned about their future health and fitness. As a result, men are often less focused on the bathroom scale. Improvements in strength or a looser waistband are often enough to motivate men to stick to their program. But women tend to beat themselves up over a few extra pounds, which deflates self-confidence and self-worth.
While women can't change their biology, perhaps they can learn a few pointers from men when it comes to losing weight. Strategies to boost metabolism (strength training, eating breakfast), deal with emotional eating and enhance self-confidence are prudent additions to any weight loss plan.
Leslie Beck, a Toronto-based dietitian at the Medcan Clinic, is on CTV's Canada AM every Wednesday. Her website is

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Weight Loss Tips - Top 25 Weight Loss Tips You should Know

Janice Mbui

Here are some weight loss diet tips that can be followed anywhere, everyday:

1. Make a delicious low fat mayonnaise by combining one teaspoon of Dijon mustard or satay sauce with a low fat yogurt.

2. Do not skip meals. Skipping meals slicks the body into slowing down the metabolism, attempting to conserve calories during a period where limited fats and fuel are available. Remember that eating increases the metabolism.

3. Stuff vegetables like capsicum and zucchini with flavored fillings or minced chicken, white meat or fish. These are healthy and contain low fat.

4. Take pita bread roll ups or wraps with salad fillings.

5. Eight hours after waking up, our metabolism slows down that is why 30 minutes of exercise before dinner will increase the metabolism for about two to three hours. This produces an increase in burned fat even hours after the work out is over.

6. Add alfalfa or mung beans to salad to get extra iron.

7. Good cooking and healthy eating begins with learning about nutrition and how to prepare healthy recipes.

8. Learn how to make the family favorite recipes and make sure that fats, salt, and sugar are cut out. Substitute non-fat yogurt for cream, stir-fry without oil and use herbs and spices instead of salt to taste.

9. Consult the doctor before beginning an exercise or weight loss program.

10. Slowly eat and chew each bite during meals as this would decrease one's appetite.

11. Complete three small meals and two snacks everyday instead of one or two huge meals.

12. Use chicken stock when stir-frying. This will cut down on hidden fat.

13. Buy non-toasted muesli instead of the toasted ones. A plate of toasted muesli contains more fat than a plate of bacon and eggs.

14. As much as possible do not remove the skins of fruits and vegetables since most of the nutrients are concentrated under the skin.

15. Warm water with just a squeeze of lemon juice before breakfast get the metabolism going for the day, this also help preventing constipation and is excellent for the skin.

16. One of the best sources of vegetable protein is from soya beans or tofu. All legumes provide some protein, so include lentils, lima beans etc into casseroles and soups.

17. Look for a weight loss "buddy," club, or support mates. This will motivate you to stay and enjoy your weight loss program.

18. Though it's hard at first, try not eating 3 hours or more before bedtime.

19. Make pasta a fast food choice - preparing a pasta meal or salad will only take 10-12 minutes.

20. Chilli helps to speed up metabolism - even the milder varieties.

21. Try making omelettes without adding the yolks! A dramatic decrease in fat.

22. Substitute baking soda, baking powder, MSG and soya sauce in cooking.

23. Remove fat by dropping ice cubes into the baking tray. Fat will stick to the ice cubes.

24. Drinking hot water instead of cold water in the morning can increase the speed of your metabolism and burn more calories.

25. Eat before you go food shopping and always prepare a shopping list. Only buy food which relates to your weekly menu plan and don't be tempted to buy goodies.

Make sure that the right discipline is still practiced to promote consistency on the diet plan. This will lead eventually to a healthy life-style and a more fruitful living without the extra fat and extra pounds on the side.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

How to Lose Belly Fat Fast

Want to get rid of belly fat?

Are you sick of the hype... the latest fad diets, the overnight miracle pills, the gimmicky ab rockers and rollers on late night tv?

If you’re ready for a solution that will help you to permanently lose belly fat, then I urge you to keep reading...

However, you must first understand that there is NO quick fix solution.

If you’re looking for an overnight miracle pill, you’re in the wrong place...

But if you’re looking for a PROVEN weight loss plan and the most effective strategies for losing your stubborn belly fat, then you’re probably the kind of person that actually has the drive to make your weight loss goals a reality.

So, let’s dig in...

The fastest way to lose belly fat is to combine the power of food and exercise. It’s really not as much about eating less as it is about eating the right things. Center your diet around lean sources of protein, steamed or raw vegetables, a variety of fruits, whole grains, and fiber.

The key to fast weight loss is to incorporate an exercise program alongside a healthy diet. Don’t worry though... You’re not going to be spending hours in the gym. Instead, you’re going to focus on high-intensity interval training for just 20 minutes per day.

High Intensity Interval Training (also known as HIIT) is defined by short bursts of intensity followed by short rest periods. Interval training allows you to push past your normal heart zone for a short period, thereby burning an enormous amount of calories. This form of exercise will help you lose 9 times more fat than long aerobic workouts.

Research has shown that high intensity interval training increases your metabolic rate dramatically so you continue to burn calories even after the workout is over.

Regular low intensity cardio sessions only burn fat while you are doing the exercise. However, a short interval workout of just 20 minutes will create an after burn effect that will have you burning calories for hours.

High-intensity intervals can be done on elliptical trainers, treadmills, stair climbers, recumbent bikes, or even outside running. If you want to start burning fat even faster, you can incorporate this high-intensity training into your weight training.

Weight training increases your metabolism. And we all know that a fast metabolism equals increased weight loss. If you’re a woman who doesn’t want to bulk up...Don’t worry! To lose belly fat, lean muscle is built with lighter weights, but more repetitions.

These short workouts combined with a healthy diet are the best way to melt away stubborn belly fat and reveal those sexy six pack abs.

If you’re looking for a step-by-step plan that will help you lose stubborn belly fat and expose those abs, go to

Get the six-pack abs that you’ve always wanted, even if you’ve been struggling for years.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Hour's exercise 'to lose weight'

Women who want to lose weight - and keep it off - need to be exercising for almost an hour, five days a week, according to US experts.

The University of Pittsburgh study found the 55-minute regime was the minimum needed to maintain a 10% drop in weight.

Only a quarter of the 200 women in the study managed to lose this amount.

A UK expert said it was clear that regular moderate exercise was the way to lose weight, and keep it off.

Approximately two-thirds of adults in the UK are overweight or obese, with some estimates suggesting this could rise to nine in ten by 2050.

Research points to a combination of exercise and calorie control as having the best chance of success in weight loss - although the majority of people who attempt these diets fail to keep the weight off.

The latest research, published in the Archives of Internal Medicine journal, confirms that plenty of exercise is a key ingredient of success.

The Pittsburgh researchers looked at a group of overweight and obese women over a four year period.

They were all told to eat between 1,200 and 1,500 calories a day, and split into four different exercise programmes, varying the intensity and amount of exercise carried out.

After six months, women in all four groups had lost up to 10% of their body weight - but most could not keep this going.

The women who did maintain the 10% loss were those who reported doing more exercise, on average 275 minutes per week.

Hour target

In the UK, everyone is encouraged to manage at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise five days a week, but scientists say that people wanting to maintain weight loss need much more.

Professor Paul Gately, a specialist in exercise and obesity, from Leeds Metropolitan University, said: "This study is excellent - it's the best evidence that this higher level of exercise is needed.

"Thirty minutes a day is good for general health, but if you want to lose weight, you need to be doing more, and if you want to sustain weight loss, you need to be doing even more than that.

"In this country, between an hour and 90 minutes of exercise a day is the recommended level for maintaining weight loss."

He said that "moderate" exercise covered anything that made you slightly breathless, from brisk walking to gardening.

Some US researchers have been looking at novel ways to increase the level of activity among those with "couch potato" lifestyles.

Dr James Levine is helping develop the "Walkstation", a computer terminal with a treadmill instead of a chair.

Writing in the same journal, he said: "Sitting at one's desk uses barely any more calories than staying in bed, but walking at 1mph while working increases caloric expenditure by approximately 125 calories an hour."

Monday, September 8, 2008

Hooping: The fun way to loose weight

Looking for a fun way to get rid of that extra flab? Well, consider hooping, a fitness trend that will let you have a blast while slimming down.

The athletic recreational activity is basically a new and improved version of hula hooping and it is about to become the next big thing in Tokyo.

In hooping, you sway your hips slightly and send a large ring rotating around your body.

In recent years, the ‘hooping movement’ has taken off internationally, with classes and “hoop dance” troupes in cities as far-flung as San Francisco and Sydney. You can even do it virtually on the Wii Fit video game system.

In Japan, the movement, though still in its early stages, is steadily growing, thanks to the tireless efforts of people like “Mario” Sawazaki and “Justin” Hirakawa of Tokyo Hoop Store, and Deanne Tonking of the group Hoop Lovers.

And in this digital age, there’s no shortage of resources available on the Internet. In fact, newbies can learn all they need to know through online demonstrations and inspiring performances on YouTube.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

More Exercise Is Required To Keep Weight Off

By Raoul Railey

A study carried out at the University of Pittsburgh found that more exercise was needed to maintain a reasonable weight loss than it was previously thought. According to the study, women who managed to loose 10 percent of their body weight had to do a minimum of 55 minutes of moderate workout in order to prevent regaining weight.

The study looked at 200 women who were considered overweight or obese. These women were divided into four groups, each group being assigned a different type of workouts. The participants in the study were also instructed to eat and drink between 1,200 and 1,500 calories a day.

After only six weeks since the beginning of the study, all the women that did what they were advised by the doctors managed to loose 8 to 10 percent of their body weight. However, after two years, most of them regained that weight.

The 25 percent that kept the 10 percent body weight off were the ones from the group that was assigned about one hour of moderate workout for five days a week. This made researchers think that while loosing weight is a pretty difficult thing, keeping those extra pounds off is even harder.

For those people who are wondering what moderate workout means, experts say that it is any activity that makes you breath a little faster. Some examples would be gardening or walking at a faster pace.

The findings of the study are of great importance since Americans are facing increasing threats as far as obesity is concerned. The study helps obese persons who have managed to loose weight to keep it off, by saying precisely how many time should those persons spend exercising in order to accomplish this.