The answer depends on your definition of quick. If you are thinking you can have massive weight loss that is sustainable in two weeks you are fooling yourself. Sure there are many diets and diet pills out there that promise you that you will lose weight quick but these pills and diets are not healthy.
You want to lose weight quick but you must not sacrifice your health. When we talk about losing weight we want to lose fat but weight loss can also occur through loss of muscle and water. Diet pills drain your body of fluids and in doing so produce what appears to be rapid weight loss. They also curb your appetite which means your body may not be getting the nutrients it needs to stay healthy. Fad diets can also deprive your body of the nutrients it needs and instead of losing fat you will lose muscle as your body struggles to maintain its health.
Now that I have talked about what you should not do lets talk about what you can do to lose weight quick. It is really a simple process. Eat more than your body is using and you gain weight. Eat less than your body is using and you lose weight. You can easily lose up to 10 pounds in the first two weeks on a good diet plan and 1 to 3 pounds per week thereafter.
Choosing the right diet plan from the 1000’s that are available can be difficult. Many of them have terrific claims, but remember:
• There is no one-size-fits-all weight loss program.
• There are no magic bullets or miracle instant cures.
• There is absolutely EVERY chance that you can transform yourself.
• It is completely possible for you to lose the fat and get healthier.
• Believe in yourself.